Monday, December 29, 2008

Symbolistic White Walls

So, after 3 coats of white paint, I am officially moved into my new room! Same house, I just moved from the bigger room on the top floor, to the considerably smaller one.

I'm starting to find the advantages and disadvantages. For one, its my couch doesn't fit in here. Even without the couch the room is incredibly cramped in comparison. On the upside to that, smaller means a cozier feel. I like the fact that my bed is surrounded by 2 full walls, and a little jog at the bottom. My door is open right now because it still kind of smells like paint. When the door is open, I can see outside... except its just the beach and the ocean, so all I really see is blackness and I feel like I'm on the wrong side of a two way mirror. That's a definite downside. Upside - only one window, which makes it easier to block out light, lol. Downside - I'm right at the top of the stairs. This is the first time in six months that I've ever locked the bottom door for my own mental peace. Side note, I've been watching a show filled with serial killers, death and gore. No wonder my imagination has taken over. Not sure where this fits into my scheme here, but my bedside table is on my left now. You'd think, being left handed, that it would be an advantage, but I don't think so. Mostly because when I'm laying down, but need to get something out of the drawer, I prop myself up. Because I'm turning to my left, that means I'm leaning on the left elbow, which leaves me to fetch things with my less dominant right hand. We will now classify this as a disadvantage.

Eventually, my brother is going to move his big entertainment unit upstairs, which doesn't fit my flatscreen in it... so I'll be moving it into my room and putting it on my big dresser. Upside - I'll definitely use it more often. Downside - I now have no place for my mirror, which allows me to have all my cosmetics in my bedroom instead of in the bathroom... which 3 people will now be sharing. I will have to cross that bridge when I come to it I suppose.

On the upside of my new favourite show which is filled with some unpleasant, previously mentioned factors... it's incredibly witty and stimulates my analytical skills. Bones is very well written, and the character development is unparalleled. The psychological aspect, partially because of the character development, has come to a whole new level as the show has progressed through the seasons. I must admit that I find these writers (or producers?) to be borderline genius with their subtleties, and their use of the extremes between intuition and pure logic. I feel challenged when I watch, because it is engaging and, despite the fact that I just used the word "watch", I don't find this to be a passive activity. Much like watching hockey for me, what I'm processing with my eyes is simply the tool I use in order to analyze and further understand what's really going on. "There is more to it than meets the eye"... hehe.

The holidays have been good to me this year. Finally some time to just forget about the constant timed obligations and just do whatever I want. I realize that I mentioned this in an earlier entry, and yes, I am living out my wish to "do whatever I want, whenever I want". It's lovely. While I thought this would be an opportunity to get out and see all the people who I don't normally see due to my hectic schedule... it has proven to be quite the opposite. Instead, I've been consumed by 3 seasons worth of Bones. Since I avoided obligating myself to any one activity, I am seeing through my actions that the outlet I needed definitely wasn't social. It was my need for mental stimulation. You can find me sitting on my couch, sometimes with my blanket, or sometimes with a tennis ball in my back (it's a great tool for releasing muscles)... completely immersed in a tv show. Constantly analyzing characters, situations, behaviour, criminal investigations... I'm in my own little heaven with the balance that this show has created. Thanks Bones :)

Suddenly I'm tired and must sleep, so that I can take full advantage of my workout in the morning. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas :)


I was following the pack
all swallowed in their coats
with scarves of red tied ’round their throats
to keep their little heads
from fallin’ in the snow
And I turned ’round and there you go
And Michael, you would fall
and turn the white snow red as strawberries
in summertime

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Out of the Ordinary

It is another white night here in our valley! I love the snow. Given the events of my last couple days, I can't believe I still love the snow - but I do!

Sunday was a write off due to the large amounts of snow and my lack of desire to go anywhere. Monday, on the other hand, was clear and beautiful. The sun motivates me to be productive, so I decided to take on the task of getting my low-to-the-ground all wheel drive car, out of the driveway that hadn't been shoveled. Side note: We do not own a shovel at this house.

Turns out, my brother was wrong! I started the car, went in reverse, and had no problem clearing the 10-12 inches of powder! When I went outside to check the status of the day at 2 pm, the plow went by. It was the first plow we had seen, and it came from the Comox side...which means it pushed the majority of the snow into the entrance to my driveway. I hadn't been down to check out what the plow did, so I continued on. Feeling pretty good about the abilities of my car, and seeing how my driveway is a downhill, I took a run at getting out. My thought process was very weak and didn't take into consideration all variables; the worst thing that can happen is that I won't get out. Either I shovel now, or try to get out, and have to shovel after my attempt. Wrong.

Has anyone here high-centred a car before? Wow. Believe me when I tell you that shoveling the driveway first (and also, owning a shovel) is a very novel idea. I've been watching people shovel their driveways for days, and I was thinking to myself "they must not have AWD vehicles". I neglect to notice the fact that most people who own houses are older than me, and that whole "been around" thing might hold some water (or some snow?);)

There was so much snow crammed under my vehicle it would not move. Since I didn't have much else to do that day (and I was now blocking the driveway), I took my brothers Sherwood hockey stick and went to work. From 2:30-4:30 I managed to dig my car out with my hands, feet, and the stick. I was soaking wet, because most of that time was spent laying on my side, digging at the snow that was packed under the centre of my vehicle. I did feel better knowing that a shovel wouldn't have done me any good at that point. The hockey stick worked well.

A very nice lady from the neighbourhood offered her help, and then when she walked by again, she gave me a little push to help get me out of the driveway. Bless her heart :)

I figured, since I just put 2 hours into "shoveling" my driveway, that my duties were done. I went on my way in town, got a sandwich, went to starbucks, did some other useless things and then returned home. Since the driveway was downhill when I left, that meant it was uphill upon my return. Not good for the little subaru. I made it over the place where I had previously been high centred... but failed to make it up the hill. I gave up and left my car blocking the driveway. I won't even go into details about what happened after that, but you can be sure that the saga has continued!

So today, after some very interesting events, my car was back on the road. I went back to Bryans to try on New Years dresses! They have so many elegant, beautiful dresses... all sorts, that can be worn for pretty much any event! Indigo Eve so gracefully modeled most of them for me, I had narrowed down my selection. I know my build quite well so I don't have to try on every style in the store to figure out which ones don't work. Process of elimination on first glance - what a time saver.

I realized, after trying on all these classy dresses - that I just can't pull it off. It's not that they don't fit, or that they don't do me justice...Do you ever put things on and think wow, that is really great, but it's just not me? That's how I feel in most things. Then, I'll put some things on, and it has "me" written all over it.

While we are on this subject - I went to visit my friend tonight. We are both born in December...last night we went out for some birthday drinks, and tonight we indulged in an ice cream cake from DQ and she rented House Bunny. For those of you who haven't seen it - ask yourself how valuable your two hours are. Now, in my case, my two hours are very valuable - so now that I just spent them watching the movie, I need to find some kind of lesson from it. So, I'll tie it into my day.

To me, clothes are not a materialistic obsession, or my way of gaining some sort of status. I don't wish to be categorized everytime I put on an outfit. I also don't (a) let what others think define any part of me and (b) wish to spend my time wondering what other people are thinking. That being said though, I want to know that if someone cares to spend the time getting to know who I am, that they will see a little bit of me through my style. Since we aren't a nudist society, clothes are a must; why not use that to my advantage!

Body language, mannerisms, energy... these are all messages that we emit. People (conciously or not) have little feelers that perceive those messages. I could go much more in depth on my beliefs here, but I'll keep it simple this evening. Everytime we go anywhere or do anything, we make impressions on people. Strangers often have very few things to go on when they first meet us - in most cases, they have your physical appearance. "Instinctive feelings" are often referred to as Vibes. People can be heard saying "I got a really bad vibe from so and so" or "She is really warm and friendly". There are so many things you can find out about a person by being aware of what your "feelers" are telling you, or how a person makes you "feel" in their presence.

How one dresses has a huge impact on how society is taught to perceive you. "Dressing the part" is a popular saying, and it's true that some tasks are easier when you dress for them. It is almost like putting on your game face before you compete in a sport. If your mental attitude is all wrong for your purpose, it's difficult to put 100% focus on the task at hand. Dressing in a sweatsuit while sitting down with clients who are about to invest half a million dollars in a house is not advisable! I can gain confidence and trust without saying a single word, but I have to be prepared in every way to succeed at that. I don't think I need to talk anymore about various outfits, lol... some people are very good at telling me more about themselves by their attire than I ever wanted to know!

So now, I hope I've added a whole new element to a woman being fond of shopping. It's certainly an outlet of expression, and everything I wear/don't wear is on purpose. To me, the search to find something that shows one more facet of my diverse personality is both exciting and rewarding :)

Remember, people are always showing you who they are, or at least a portion of them. The psychology of it all can be as deep as you make it. Clearly I like to analyze so it's incredibly entertaining for me to "people watch"!

In case you were wondering, I did find 1 dress with "me" written on it. I have intentions of purchasing my new years dress tomorrow, and maybe I can post a picture to show it to you! :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays so far! Talk to you soon!


She'll meet a lover, who when all seems lost, makes love to his dream...careless of the cost

Let down your guard just a little, I'll keep you safe in these arms of mine

Friday, December 19, 2008

Favourite Lyrics

Sometimes I hear lyrics, and feel that they express my current emotions or thoughts better than I can myself.

Here are some lyrics from my day:

I want someone provocative and talkative, but it's so hard when you're shallow as a shower.

I am a weapon of massive consumption, but it's not my fault, it's how I'm programmed to function.

Maybe you'll find direction around some corner where it's been waiting to meet you - What do you want me to do, to watch for you while you're sleeping? Well please don't be surprised when you find me dreaming too.


And on a more random note, does anyone else go out around Christmas time and shop for themselves? It seems I spend a lot of money on myself during the holiday season!

I'm very excited about my holidays this year. First of all, I get a break... and you'd think, because I don't work a full time 9-5 job, that I wouldn't need a break. But if that was the case, you'd be sadly mistaken. Somehow I do 4 part time jobs, which adds up to a lot more than 1 full time job! Tonight I am starting from Season 1 Episode one of the series "Bones". I love series, because it's like a great movie that just keeps on going! Much more entertaining (and somehow cheaper to rent) than movies :)

There will be other things, like visiting family, RELAXING, having some holiday cheer, doing some dancing, and basically just doing whatever I want, whenever I want. Oh how I love the sound of that!

Good evening, friends ;)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Silent Night!

Hello again Blog,

What a day! When I open internet explorer, my two tabs that open are my Gmail inbox and The Weather Network. It still shocks me that I can read a weather forecast and believe it! Each time it is wrong (which is probably at LEAST 60% of the time), I tell myself that it can't be trusted... but everytime I open this window, what I see somehow convinces me.

Today was much of the same. I kept an eye on the weather because of the snowfall warning for east vancouver island. It mentioned some light snow for us, 2 cm overnight, 2 cm this afternoon, etc. I woke up to find the ground (and my car) covered this morning when I left for powerskating at 6:15. It started to snow heavily from then until mid afternoon! We ended up with about 8 inches at my house. (Remember: the forecast said Light Snow ;)

I got my commitments done until noon, and then gave up on the rest of my plans. The driving conditions weren't great, and they shut the arena down so my reffing was cancelled anyways.

This evening I decided to walk over to my parents house for dinner. I found my beloved snowboard pants and winter boots, long jongs, gloves, neck warmer, toque, vest! I love getting dressed up for winter! I managed to slip 3 times in the first 1 minute of walking, so I thought it might take me a while to reach my destination. It was kind of windy and blowing snow around so the walk there was a bit chilly at times.

After dinner I spent close to 3 hours writing Thank You cards. It was a long three hours but I'm glad I got the opportunity. I also saw my bunnies while I watched the tribute to Trevor Linden, it was fantastic. That guy is a real class act, and I'm so passionate about the sport that I love to see awesome role models like him. You rock Trevor :)

The walk home was amazing. My mom found my other toques for me, so I changed the outfit up a little. As much as I absolutely love music, I couldn't bring myself to turn my ipod on while walking. There is something so tranquil about the snow. I love how silent the world can be. During the walk, I would stop regularly and just stand there, listening to nothing. It was awesome... and a true silent night.

I have errands to do in the morning, and I'm up in less than 6 hours, so I'll make this Goodnight :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

A year older?

Well, today is my birthday, I am officially 22 years old. That means I'm starting my 23rd year of life! Luckily, when I woke up this morning, I didn't feel a year older... probably about 4 months older, but not a full year, so that was encouraging :)

It is interesting to watch society respond to the age of people. 22 years is an indication that I've lived 8030 days. It is not an indication of what I've experienced, learned, or done in those days. There is so much that goes on in life, and everyone is at their own level.

I've been hearing other people refer to me as an "old soul" for quite some time. For as long as I can remember, I've just known things about life without having to go through a trail and error process. My ability to weigh consequence has also been with me for as long as I can think back.

I can't help but think that, what some people call an "old soul", is just an advanced soul. It doesn't mean that they have less challenges in life, they are just different. For those more primary souls, their problems and challenges may involve more basic issues to overcome. For this reason, I feel that those people who come into life with a handicap of some sort, are actually the most advanced of all. Imagine how far you'd need to come if you started off with a "disadvantage" right from the get go. Those people with challenges have all my respect. I feel like part of my purpose is to help other people advance. I hope I'm fulfilling that and will continue to do so in the future.

Age also has my attention regularly when it comes to relationships. When I meet people, my priority isn't about what they're wearing, how old they are, or anything else trivial. I want to know who they are, and I can get most of that by just being in their presence. Everyone emits a certain vibe, and I perceive their energy by a sense of temperature. When someone is described as a "warm" person, I can actually feel that, and it's wonderful. I love people. (Likewise with "cold" people, lol, don't like them quite as much!)

So, that being said, age isn't a factor in my life. I love little ones right through to the oldest person I know, my grandma Kitty who is 95! Age doesn't determine anything but the amount of days we've been here. :)

For the record, I had a wonderful birthday and I'm looking forward to another fantastic year!


Saturday, December 13, 2008


Some nights I'm full of questions, and other nights I'm full of answers. Since tonight is one of the latter, I'll give you the question:

How come I can playfight or play contact sports, but yet hurt so bad when someone pinches or slaps me?

Now I realize that I could have asked a much more abstract question. I have lots of those, we'll save them for a more coherent evening.

Growing up with two older brothers may have been a different childhood than some of my friends may have experienced. Throw in my nature, my involvement with hockey, and my love for muscles and you are left with someone who thinks punching someone is a sign of affection! Punching appears to be quite diverse. It can be used to joke around and provoke someones playful nature, to let someone know you are serious, or when verbal communication has failed. Sounds like a great tool to me!

Eventually I realized that there are some serious social boundaries when it comes to any kind of physical force. To this day, I can't say that I'm on board with the theory... but I am responsible and do my best to function in social settings. (At least I hope my friends can attest to the fact that I don't hit everyone I love!)

So as you can tell... I'm quite fond of a punch. It's not offensive to me in any way, and sometimes its a lot easier to get my on the same page as you by resorting to good old physical abuse ;)

I can't believe I just disgressed so far from the point of this! Anyway, I'll leave it as is and continue on with my answer.

Some people joke around by smacking people, pinching them, jabbing at them (especially a bad idea to do this to my love handles!). Funnily enough, if you punch me in a nice way, I'll smile at you. If you pinch me or slap me, I'll quickly lose my temper because the sting on my body is unbearable. I thought at first, maybe punching hurts less because the force is spread out over a greater area... nope.

The answer to my lifelong hate for these actions is FASCIA - the soft tissue component of the connective tissue system that permeates the human body. It interpenetrates and surrounds muscles, bones, organs, nerves, blood vessels and other structures. Fascia is an uninterrupted, three-dimensional web of tissue that extends from head to toe, from front to back, from interior to exterior. It is responsible for maintaining structural integrity; for providing support and protection; and acts as a shock absorber.

Thank you to wikipedia for the definition and to my massage therapist for putting an end to my mystery (and misery)! As you read, Fascia is a 3d web of tissue that goes from head to toe, front to back. So if anyone has ever grabbed your love handles, and you were trying to figure out "how is it possible for fat to hurt?", it's your fascia that hurts.

The more active you are, the tighter your fascial layers become. Instead of the 3 parts acting as seperate entities, they get stuck together and their ability to absorb shock lessens. So instead of the superficial layer absorbing the sting of a slap, the sting radiates through all three layers which connects your entire body. Bad bad. Also, if you're fascial layers are tight, when they get worked on or irritated (like a slap), the toxins release and you get a blotchy red look, kind of like a welt. Awful. lol.

Anyways, this has been random, but let's recap the main points:

1) Please don't ever be offended if a punch you in a happy way - it means I'm fond of you ;)

2) Slapping, Pinching and Jabbing are no laughing matters!

3) My massage therapist rocks - she is doing a good job at keeping the fascia healthy so as to lessen the sting of all my athletic endeavors.

This entry stemmed from a dream I had last night. It was all about fascia, as I demonstrated to someone in an educational matter, how my body will welt up when the fascia is irritated. Luckily it didn't hurt as much in the dream as it does in real life, but it was an educational time for me. I'm just about to enter my other world, it accounts for about 33-40% of the time in my life. I'm glad I learn new things while sleeping. lol

Goodnight Team :)

ps Dancing friends, I thought of you tonight, and hope you had a wonderful time. I look forward to pictures and reviews :)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The inspiration to blog

Hello Blogging world!

So the thought of blogging has never even crossed my mind - which kind of shocks me because sometimes it feels like I think of everything! haha - but I'm humbled by these moments. Anyways, I'll give you the rundown on how this idea became so attractive in such a short period of time!

I was killing some time on a Tuesday (I love tuesdays!), and somehow I found myself in Bryans - a dress store. Now, it is not unusual for me to be shopping in my very limited spare time, but for those of you who know me, I doubt Bryans would be the first place you'd look! So as I'm looking at all the beautiful dresses, a familiar Hello came from my friend Indigo Eve. I was confused at first, because I totally didn't see her, but I was sure that greeting was directed at me. We ended up spending some time there, picking out a dress for her Christmas Dance Party. Well we didn't exactly pick one dress - I voiced my strong opinion on my favourite, and she put 4 on hold. It was a nice surprise to see her, as it had been a while, and I also had to return some of her belongings :)

We chatted, or rather spoke loudly while we each tried on clothes in our respective dressing rooms. She mentioned to me that our friend (closer to her than myself) Bazette had started blogging! I miss my belly dance friends, so the thought of staying caught up by reading their blogs sounded very appealing. Of course, they are very unique people so there is an entertaining element to my new found interest in their blogs.

So as I read through their blogs this evening, I couldn't resist the temptation to participate in sharing parts of my life with more than 1 person at a time. Plus I want to take part in all the fun they appear to be having! Here I am.

I realized, as I pondered my first entry (for a very brief period of time), that I could write about soooo many things. I wasn't sure where to start. The most recent thing that happened to me (25 minutes ago?) was during an MSN conversation with Indigo Eve regarding the blogs. I felt like I was on the sidelines when reading the blogs, so now it's a hands on (the keyboard) experience for me. Why not start there!

My top (current) reasons for starting this blog (in no particular order):

- I love photos because I feel that they capture a distinct, unique moment in time that can never again be replicated. The world and life is ever changing, and so am I. As I write this, it's likely that my thoughts, feelings, state of mind and current experiences will never again be as they are right now. Why not document it?

- When I was playing hockey for the provincial team one year, they asked us to keep a journal. Document our training, our diet, how we were feeling, etc. I came across that journal a few weeks ago. I read things about how I was feeling that I don't even remember experiencing (or writing for that matter), and I also found some very profound comments. It seems like 2 different people writing at times... so here I am, with my alter ego(s?)!

- Bazette and Indigo Eve seem to have so much fun, I try to always get in on as much fun as possible in life! This couldn't be passed up.

- Expressing ones self through writing must be good for mental clarity and also to enhance communication skills. At the least, it won't cause harm!

- I'm a very active person, and don't get to see my friends as often as I'd like. My free time is often spent alone, contemplating life and gathering my thoughts. This seems like a good way for people to keep tabs even if I can't see them regularly!

I'm sure there are plenty more reasons. I have to admit that if you have made it this far, you will see my tendency to type a lot. Typing my thoughts is effortless so as a result, you might be in for some long entries!

My profile needs to be created, and I need to find my way around this site. Thanks for reading my first entry - I'm excited to be part of the blogging world!