Tuesday, May 12, 2009

BC & Calgary

Hello Everyone!

I am officially overseas in Paris at the moment... but I'll split my blogs up between Canada adventures and European ones! I've also decided that I will just have to talk about the highlights, because way too much goes on for me to actually document it all!

So the trip across BC with Mike & Judi was good fun. We drove in Ceara's little car, saw 3 groups of family, a terrible car accident, and then hit C town. Night 1 was on a couch, night 2 was my first Hostel experience (thumbs up!), night 3 a hotel, night 4 was back on the same couch as night 1.

Noteable points:

Super nice friend of Judi's named Lindsay stayed at her father in laws place. All 3 of us crashed there. Leigh is incredible! Such a great welcoming guy with two nice dogs, Lala and Daggy. Perhaps the only Terriers I've really liked! And the really attractive nephew from Germany named Max who also has a wicked personality was a pleasure to meet and hangout with! All around good times there.

Night out with Leah on Saturday... such a blast. I've missed you buddy and that night was Epic. Exactly what was needed, can't wait for the next one ;)

Seeing Auntie Marty and Uncle Rick who made the trip out from Three Hills! Great to see you guys before I took off!

Not such a highlight, but something worth mentioning: It is almost impossible to find a market or anywhere that has fresh produce if you are downtown! Grr!

Sunday night I stayed back on the couch from night 1. Mike and Judi drove me to the airport and I took off for my big trip. Thanks so much for all your help guys!

For those of you reading this who want to contact me, you can email me evenwallsfalldown@gmail.com or just leave a comment on any of the entries!

Lots of Love to everyone at home!

1 comment:

  1. haha, dorkus, love your blog. Going way back to catch up on any of your life I might have missed, you seem to tell me most everything so I haven't missed much.

    Looking forward to hearing of your overseas travels, feels like you are so close to me, thanks for sharing your blog! love momo
